# Fattori di valutazione Punteggio Breve giustificazione del punteggio

1 Originalità del Progetto e suo contributo al progresso delle Conoscenze scientifiche  10 eccellente
The project is very interesting and very much needed since the renewed interest in one of the most important themes in economics: the sources, forms and consequences of economic groth and the distribution of the product. It is needed, because it makes a serious attempt at confronting different traditions in the field under consideration: classical, Schumpeterian, neoclassical and new growth models. This is long overdue and works against the unfortunate method and theory imperialism in economics.
I have no doubt that the applicants know the present state of the art and have actually contributed to it. I also have no doubt that one can expect some important results emerging from the project. 
2 Chiarezza e verificabilitā degli obiettivi  9 molto buono
The focus of the overall project and its subdivision in several research units is well defined. As regards the scheduling of the tasks and the implied division of labour I have no objections. The time frame is perhaps a bit tight, but I presume that there is a lot of human capital involved and a great deal of expertise available which allows the scholars involved to keep their promises. At any rate, I got the impression that in this project the people do not start from scratch but have a well developed idea of what they want and how they can do it.
I see no probelm in monitoring the project and verify the research results ex post: the applicants have very precise ideas about the publication of the results. 
3 Appropriatezza dei metodi e delle tecniche da utilizzare  10 eccellente
The methods and techniques used are appropriate. What is important is that the scholars involved do not only know which methods and analytical techniques ought to be applied, but that they are apparently able to apply them: they obviously know their tool kit. 
4 Adeguatezza delle risorse  10 eccellente
The most important resource is the time of the scholars involved. In this regard I am very optimistic, because the applicants are apparently top-level scholars who can be expected to supervise and lead the younger scholars involved. 
5 Congruitā del finanziamento richiesto  9 molto buono
This is a notoriously different question, not least because one would have to know the cost structure in Italy. However, I did not come across any cost item which I consider to be either excessive or much too small. On the whole, I think this is a serious and well calculated project. 

6 Competenza del coordinatore scientifico  10 eccellente
Just see how much and in which journals and with which publishers he has published. Truly excellent. He is highly experienced, capable of motivating and supervising people. He has published a lot in the field under consideration, i.e. is an expert. He is very effective and reliable. I have no doubt that he will do an excellent job. 
7 Competenza dei gruppi proponenti  9 molto buono
Very good people from very good universities are involved. My expectation uttered in answering the first five questions is fully confirmed. These are very experienced and productive scholars. 
8 Complementaritā dei gruppi proponenti  10 eccellente
The division of labour between the research units is clearly specified and makes sense. There are important complementarities between them. Some of the people involved also appear to have already collaborated with one another in the past, which is a good sign as to the success of this project. The scientific co-ordinator's high quality standards areguarantee a good selection of people. 

Commento generale

I am strongly convinced by the importance of the project, I have a high opinion of the quality of the main people involved and of the structure of the entire enterprise. This is certainly one of the top applications I had to evaluate over the last twenty years or so.

My previous general comment is fully confirmed. An excellent proposal!

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